Georgia Golf Hall of Fame - Nomination Process

The GSGA wishes to obtain nominations from the general public for candidates to be considered for induction into the Georgia Golf Hall of Fame.

Click for online nomination form


To be eligible for induction into the Georgia Golf Hall of Fame, a candidate should:

  • Be a current for former resident of Georgia for a reasonable period of time;

  • Have participated in golf as a competitor or contribute to the game;

  • Have brought honor to Georgia and himself or herself with golf accomplishments and/or elsewhere

Georgia Golf Hall of Fame Eligibility
Information and Candidates

Information about Candidates

The process by which an individual’s name progresses from initial nomination to induction begins with completing the nomination form. The information gleaned from this form can determine the stature or priority given to a person’s candidacy. Those wishing to place names into nomination are encouraged to provide as much accurate data as possible about the individual. Fields are mandatory for the Nominee Information and Nominated By sections and exceptions can be considered by the committee. 

Hall of Fame Committee

This committee meets periodically to oversee the GSGA’s management of the Georgia Golf Hall of Fame. The purpose of this committee is to develop the criteria and make the selections for each inductee class of the Hall of Fame; assist the GSGA staff with the planning, sponsorship sales and table sales of the annual induction banquet; and to provide advice to the GSGA staff with respect to displays, promotions and other activities in the development of a communication plan for the Hall of Fame and its members.

Deadline for submission of the completed nomination form for the following induction is April 1. Nominations are valid for 10 years.

membership nomination hall of fame committee

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