Georgia Adaptive Open

The Georgia Adaptive Open began in 2019 and is open to players from all disability categories with a nationally recognized golf handicap index and an Access Pass or WR4GD Pass through the EDGA. GSGA membership and Georgia residency are NOT requirements.

Year Champion Hometown Result Host Club Runner Up
2023 Luke Carroll (Overall), Ryanne Jackson (Women's), Larry Celano (Seated) Tennessee, Florida, Arizona 143, 149, 159 Bobby Jones Golf Course, Atlanta
2022 Kenny Bontz (Overall), Cathy Walch (Women's), Billy Fryar (Seated) 150 (Bontz), 181 (Walch), 178 (Fryar) Bobby Jones Golf Course, Atlanta
2021 Chris Biggins (Overall), Deborah Smith (Women's), Billy Fryar (Seated) 132 (Biggins), 188 (Smith), 169 (Fryar) Bobby Jones Golf Course, Atlanta
2019 Tracy Ramin (Overall), Cathy Walch (Women's), Billy Fryar (Seated) 147 (Ramin), 175 (Walch), 177 (Fryar) Bobby Jones Golf Course, Atlanta


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